
Can Foreigners Buy Houses in Mexico?

CCMray July 18, 2023 0 views

The Mexican Constitution restricts foreign ownership of property. But like all things in Mexico, there's a way around this. And this way around is totally legitimate too! Maybe people looking at retiring in Mexico are interested in owning property in Mexico. A trusted real estate agent can help.

A Fideicomiso is a bank trust that allow foreigners to buy property within 100km of the international borders and 50km of the ocean. They add some cost to the closing and also have a recurring annual fee of around $500USD. But owning a home in Mexico is affordable compared to similar places in the America or Canada. It's also possible to form a Mexican corporation to own property. But this is more common for larger parcels (bigger than 1/2 acre) or when someone is buying multiple properties. In the interior of Mexico, foreigners only need one form to buy property. (agreeing that they will be treated just like Mexicans.) Are you a Canadian or American looking to move to Mexico? Be sure to subscribe!

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