
THE 1 FIELD - ENGLISH - A film by Tsipi Raz

CCMray April 06, 2024 135 views
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“After my first viewing, before deciding what music to write, I felt the main message was that it’s all about love.” Robert Coxon, Composer

All cultures and ancient traditions discuss our being far beyond matter.

"The 1 Field", using the scientific tools of the 21st century, examines this assumption through interwoven storylines: The life stories and research of groundbreaking figures in the study of consciousness, and scientific experiments supervised by research institutions and scientists worldwide. Can spirit be measured? Is there a field that connects everything? Can we use consciousness to influence our lives, our bodies, and our environment, beyond genes or environmental limitations into which we were born?

A groundbreaking extraordinary new film with leading experts: Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, Lee Carroll, Dr. Rollin McCraty, Robert Coxon, Dr. Roger Nelson, Professor Carlo Ventura, Professor Konstan9n Korotkov, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, and many more...

Producer, Director, Editor, Script: Tsipi Raz

Music score: @roberhaigcoxon 

For more about the music of Robert Coxon and The Coxon Effect:

We invite you to share the film with everyone dear to you.

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Copyright @ The 1 Field, Tsipi Raz, 2019

#the1field #love #tsipiraz #TheCoxonEffect

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