
I sold my house and moved to Mexico!

CCMray July 18, 2023 0 views
Hola amigos! Today's video features the story of a man with a plan! We follow Jason as he fulfills his dream of moving to Bucerias, Mexico. In addition Jason pulls the trigger and buys his dream home.  

20 years ago I visited Bucyrus and in my
mind I was like oh I could be here I
could be here
my name is Jason I am from Tacoma
Washington in
2001. I did a little travel trip
supposed to be for three months came to
busarias three months turned into one
between the food culture and the people
the genuine Hospitality it was just so
welcoming and I just felt instantly
comfortable and knew I wanted to spend
more time here
Moving to Mexico
I've been pondering about Mexico wanting
to be here and in the back of my mind
for the last 20 years I've been wanting
to make this move and so in the last
couple years I kind of started stepping
up my thought process and learning about
you know what it takes to to come here
and we'll say in the last two years I
made a decision that I want to move
forward moving to Mexico and
transitioning into a new life as it's
good timing as I'm single right now and
I had an opportunity to sell my house at
you know at a decent spot as the market
was going up and this was the perfect
transition for me to come here and so I
made it happen
so my friends and family had mixed
reactions of me moving to Mexico I think
some people kind of rolled their eyes
and just think like you know it's the
popular thing to do while others was you
know thinking what I was thinking it's
like you know what do it life is short
you know if that what makes you happy do
it and so I generally was is mostly
so I made up my mind to move to Mexico
after doing a lot of research and due
diligence and I drove down with the car
full packed
full of stuff and with me and my dog and
it was about a five and a half day trip
we did three days in the states and uh
two and a half in Mexico so um
my last day was on the border of the
United States side at Nogales and then I
spent two more days going down two and a
half more days going down and uh
trip was great my advice for people to
drive into Mexico would be just to do
due diligence be prepared
don't just wait till the last minute you
know think of the questions you may have
ahead of time and go on the appropriate
sites and forums that kind of helps the
fear of the unknown Drive during the day
you can see the roads better and it's
just easier don't strain yourself you
know everyone's got their own little
deal some people like to drive for 12
hours but I did seven to nine hours
stayed during the day and it was
everything turned out great
so I'm renting currently in Toronto one
which is on the north side of busarias
on the east side of the highway it's a
small community of Townhouses I'm not
sure how many townhouses here are here
no pool but I currently have a beautiful
place in renting it's got a rooftop deck
that's just amazing and there's various
three four dog parks inside of Toronto
one so Tacoma who is my dog my right
hand man he's transitioned well down
there is it is gated we'll say so you
gotta announce yourself when you come
through unless you're a resident really
enjoy it here it's a mix of locals and
expats very dog friendly and so that
works well with me and I've really
enjoyed my time here in Toronto one
this house in particular is it's been
great though it's just me and my dog but
it doesn't live
huge so you would think three bed two
and a half bath is too big but it's
really not very close to the central
part this the of booster is so I can
walk to the the Centro in 10 minutes I
can walk to the beach in 10 minutes if I
want to
um I can be in the local neighborhoods
in five minutes I'm right here
there's 12 to two there's also 12 to
three they each have their own HOA and
somewhere a little more strict than
others Toronto one where I live is
pretty lacks sometimes there can be some
loud music
that may go on past midnight but we're
in Mexico and they like to very festive
right it's been nothing crazy uh since
this is townhouse living we're kind of
stacked on each other so my back patio
has got five other back patios that
we'll say are adjacent to my back patio
so if we're all out in our back patios I
can hear all five conversations right
my family had a Vietnamese restaurant in
Tacoma I've also fished in Alaska for
Herring and salmon I worked for
Coca-Cola for a couple years I've Done
Construction for a few years you know as
a licensed massage practitioner for a
few years I've done all kinds of things
in my life
I work remote
with the property management company the
name of the company I work for is uh
North Point Property Services internet's
great just in case anyone's wanting to
know signal the signal is fantastic and
so that gives me the ability to be
flexible as my work is flexible and uh
it gives me time to go to the beach or
to go out to have dinner with friends or
play Pickleball which I do throughout
the week zero two one
pick a wall here in busarias is
fantastic in in the area in general it's
just huge everyone plays it is a it is a
lot of fun my home court is the Refuge
of Hope and most of our money goes back
to the Refuge of Hope to help out their
the people who play there are a lot of
fun it's good exercise we laugh every
time we play it's good competition fun
competition and at the same time it's a
social you know a network of friends
that have become to have a new group of
friends and through them you know we we
go and have a beach day or we'll go meet
up at a restaurant for breakfast or or
go go on a hike that's where my network
of friends have have started
House Tour
my intent was to buy and so I've just
been scouring of where I want to live
you know and I I have my price points
not the biggest so I can't just go buy
any place and so it's been taking my
time and finding what I think fits my
budget and what is the best return of
for for the property that I can afford I
finally kind of gone all kind of
directions and I kind of finally found a
spot that I've been able to purchase
so this house in Toronto through the
townhouse is just like the same setup as
here three bed two and a half bath
townhouse maybe a few less townhouses
and throughout the three then Toronto
it's uh renovated so it's just got more
square footage of living space I do not
have a rooftop deck which is a bummer
because as they don't allow that in
Toronto three but the owner built a very
nice cozy deck on the second floor
coming off one of the bedrooms fall in
winter this is all green yeah right yeah
so I think when we originally saw that
it was a lot more green but since it's
becoming dry season now every everything
is brown everything's browning out right
now but uh pretty nice uh we were up on
the roof here last week and there's a
couple cows that were grazing right over
here pretty peaceful back here I can
already envisioned a cup of coffee it's
gonna be good so the cost of my place
and throughout the three I think when
all said and done it's going to be just
under 270.
so that's uh for that three bedroom two
and a half bath
you know there's different price points
in Toronto three throughout the two this
one right now is a little on the higher
end I'd say of a lot of places that are
for sale right now but then again it's
been fully remodeled and it's got you
know nice perotta cabinets on the inside
nice mosaic tile you know it's got a lot
of touches that that I like all right so
there's one thing you just noticed yeah
what's this the eye of Sauron oh yeah
that doesn't belong in the bedroom kind
of scary It's gotta go
bye bye that's gotta go
this is weird
this is not feng shui no the ISR does
not feng shui if you got any sage in
your pocket we can burn at this moment
you know because uh there's a lot of
building going on right now and
contractors are hard to get and this
owner took a great love and care in this
property and I can immediately see that
feel that that nice tile got good colors
and it's well maintained well care very
that put me at ease
areas just very walkable
and many of these are right there so I
can walk and do everything really you
know walk into town go get food go to
the corner store if needed it's very
desirable neighborhood got a pool which
don't hurt it doesn't hurt anybody
I was spotting throughout the two and it
was like 129. you know I needed a whole
ton of stuff and then how long is that
going to take luckily she pulled out I
made an offer 125. yeah and she pulled
out okay and she had this thing on the
market for a year yeah so anyways yeah
when I looked another one throughout the
three that was 220 but yeah it needed
all new you know upgrades
House Hunting
advice I would give to someone house
hunting you know take your time take
your time there's a lot of neighborhoods
to learn a lot of houses to see
everyone's got different wants and needs
and so I think time is your friend sort
of because things are going fast here so
you gotta jump when it's time to jump
and she'll just be prepared for that
scenario if you see something and your
gut's calling for it you know obviously
go for it
we got One Life to Live and don't second
guess and and you know because you're
always second guess Coulda Woulda should
I've said that a million times and so
that's one of the reasons why I decided
to to take this gamble quote unquote
calculator Gamble and sell my property
up north and come down here and and just
make it happen
picture myself pitching myself this has
been a culmination of many things you
know of many years getting to this point
and uh it fully hasn't hit me yet though
but it's a very exciting moment and I'm
sure the next couple days it'll be even
more so as it's a reality it has
it's me Paul back on camera thanks for
watching today's video and a special
thanks to Jason for uh sharing his
journey with all of us and one thing I
really admire about Jason is that he did
a ton of research he did his homework
before moving to Mexico he said that he
had a trifecta of resources that he used
one of those was moving to Mexico so
thank you for saying that Jason another
one was his real estate agent who he
raved about so if you guys want me to
put you in contact with his real estate
agent send me an email info moving to and the third resource I'm
going to save that for the very end of
this video and I'm always looking for
new stories so if you guys have any
ideas or if you want to be featured on
moving to like Jason like Karen
like Matthias
send me an email info moving to
if you guys would like to support the
channel just a little extra you can buy
me a coffee I'll put the link in the
description below keep me caffeinated
keep me making cool videos like this one
now Jason had the trifecta it was moving
to Mexico it was his real estate agent
and then it was this thanks for watching
the video guys adios so the Mexico
relocation guide in Mariana has been a
huge huge deal for me it's basically a
book with many chapters and it covers
all topics and she actually has her own
Facebook group as well so you can ask
the members of the community questions
and so it just it covers everything and
any questions you may have Mariana is
quick to answer with just phenomenal
information that's accurate and she has
contacts all over Mexico wherever you
may be living that she can link you up
with for different aspects of car
insurance health insurance you know
everything between those three the
trifecta of information and just good
people in all three all three places has
really helped me

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